Beautiful photography and magical art all created by John Haldane

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State Bird Digital Art by John Haldane

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Comments (6)

Lisa Kaiser

Lisa Kaiser

This beautiful work is one of my favorites for today, love the Cardinal in art. Shared.

Anthony Jones

Anthony Jones

Beautiful work, John! Thank you for submitting your artwork to the Paintography Group where the image is now featured on the home page. Feel free to post this in the Featured archive in the group discussion page section L/F

John Haldane replied:

Thank you!

Marcia Lee Jones

Marcia Lee Jones

Lovely work!

John Haldane replied:

Thank you!

Kathi Isserman

Kathi Isserman

CONGRATULATIONS! Your WONDERFUL image has been FEATURED on the home page of "SHOWCASING THE SOUTH” L. Thank you for participating in the group. Please add the photo to the 2020 “FEATURED IMAGE ARCHIVE THREAD.”

John Haldane replied:

Thank you, Kathi!

David Neace

David Neace

Congratulations, your work is featured on the homepage of "Created by Southern Artists

John Haldane replied:

Thank you, David

Bob Lentz

Bob Lentz

Congratulations! on this unique image’s being Featured in “The Artistic Aperture” group, and also Liked, Favorited, and Facebooked.

John Haldane replied:

Thank you, Bob!

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State Bird by John Haldane
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