Beautiful photography and magical art all created by John Haldane

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Where Elk Roam Digital Art by John Haldane

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Comments (4)

Parveen Shrivastava

Parveen Shrivastava

Magnificent image.. John.

John Haldane replied:

Thank you!

Elizabeth Tillar

Elizabeth Tillar

John, I am so glad; thank you for your kind reply; enjoy the rest of the great day, which you have happily earned!

Elizabeth Tillar

Elizabeth Tillar

John, this image is stunning. magical, suggestive of the 'archaic', and brilliant! Your description reveals just how incredibly creative this work is! l/f/g+

John Haldane replied:

Oh, thank you so much for your kind comments, Elizabeth. You made my day!

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Where Elk Roam by John Haldane
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